Friday 9 March 2012

Friday Wondering - Do Social Media Snobs exist?

Each Friday I'm posting a "Friday Wondering". These posts are meant to explore & discuss observations or issues which I think would benefit from discussion. Participation is open to absolutely anyone regardless of their expertise or knowledge. Just bring your curiosity!

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Do Social Media Snobs exist?
I have to thank @Projectlibero for sharing this posting from copyblogger on the "21 Warning Signs You're Becoming A Social Media Snob".  Please do take a minute to read the article - it resonated with me and I think there's some learning in there for all of us.

However, taking the "test", I'm thankful that I'm only guilty of knowing my Klout score - it never changes!  Yet I'm not sure that I know anyone who would score highly.....

So for all the bad behaviours the article describes, I wondered if there really are Social Media Snobs?  Have you ever encountered any?  How would you describe their snobbish behaviour?

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